Thursday, June 19, 2014


One of my high school friends, my BFF, if you will, invited me to their very intimate family baptism.  Her two babies, which are not babies anymore, were getting baptized.  Her husband had made the big decision to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in April.  He was ready to baptize his two children June 14th. So, off to West Virginia I drove with my little family to be a part of this special day. 

We did a few impromptu photo shoots before the big day. The kids said they were not super excited but they were.  They were really excited and really happy.  I even noticed a great change in Conrad. He just seemed, well, happy. 

West Virginia is so gorgeous! Oh my goodness I have missed the lush green.  There are so many cute back roads with beautiful scenery. I love driving down these roads and seeing what I can discover.  Well, my friends live off of one of these quaint roads. It's not really so quaint in the winter with snow, but in June, it's quaint. I did not do much editing at all to these images because they just didn't need it!

 Oh yeah, she's good at sass... 

 What a little stud!

 The actual baptism... isn't this location perfect?!  I am dying. It's gorgeous!

Happy Daddy.